1 min readNov 13, 2023


Penny Wong — Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs — is wrong to call for a cease fire in Gaza

(Letter to Allegra Spender, Independent Member of the Australian Federal Parliament)

Hi Allegra

The Labour government’s Foreign Minister has now revealed that she and her government are “pushing for a cease fire” in Gaza. A cease fire would be a win for Hamas and a reward for their barbaric atrocities committed on 7th of October.

Palestinians and their supporters — neo Marxists, well-educated left leaning liberals, neo Nazis and deep rooted anti Semites have finally let the cat out of the bag: forget a two state solution, their aim is to destroy Israel all together, a democratic, modern, prosperous state of 10 million people.

The claim of Israel targeting Palestinian civilians or committing genocide are completely unfounded. We don’t know how many people were actually killed, how many of those were terrorist fighters, how many were killed by the significant number of their own missiles misfiring and exploding within the Gaza densely populated area.

Calling for a cease fire essentially supports Hamas’ and their supporters’ actions and aims. Australia must not become part of this group and support their objectives. Would we have called for a cease fire fighting ISIS? Of course not!

Kind regards

Dr Peter Neustadt

